There’s No There There
Performance + Installation

Performance view at Großer Wasserspeicher, Berlin, with Dylan Kerr, Marie Gailey, Davide Luciani.
Stills from video © Stefano Cavanese.

“There’s No There There” is a site-specific sonic performance and installation by Elisabetta Porcinai, Marie Gailey, Dylan Kerr and Davide Luciani. A piece for three voices and electronics leveraging the unique resonant properties of Berlin’s Großer Wasserspeicher, a former water reservoir.

The performance consists of two complementary parts that merge into one another as performers and audience move through the space. Three voices gradually multiply and overlap until a soundscape of suspended overtones gradually dissolves into synthetic abstraction. The progressive disintegration of a voice that once was, leaves room for the projection of mirages, suggestions, fears, desires, in a closed circuit that inevitably goes back to itself.